No Sun Club Hats
All products ( results)
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Daelynn @daelynn_marie_ - Your products are AMAZING! I've been a skin obsessed woman (medical grade even!) for the last two decades and what your products (and regimen) have done for me in only a matter of weeks is insane. Never have used anything with these results.

Lindsey @lindseybronikowski - 38 year old mom of three boys here sending out a huge THANK YOU! I've never been as happy with my skin as I am right now. All this gal needs is a little brow filler, mascara, blush and chapstick and I'm ready. Never in my life would I think I would say that! I love all of your product recommendations and am so thankful for the work you all do.

Andrea @strathmonster - Today is my 40th birthday and I was completely freaking out about it. And then I took this selfie and realized my skin is naked except for moisturizer and I feel a little better now! I've never gone naked faced in my life, and it wouldn't have happened without your magic, so thank you!!!

Cait @caitmclancy - I don't wear makeup (never learned how to do it), so that's why I came to Barefaced. I cannot speak more highly of it. My skin has helped boost my self confidence when I need it and don't feel it!! These products and healthy glowing skin does just as much for physical beauty as it does for confidence and inner beauty.

Megan @mrsgardner12 - I've struggled FOREVER with my chin/neck. Like majorly bad–even pre-maskne... Skin quiz regimen + your tips/education + recent addition of Glow Peel Pads... This has changed my skin!!! 🙏🏻❤️

Dana @danabrantleynp - I am 48 and have been using Barefaced products for the past 2 years, but my skin feels amazing. I have seen a real difference in my skin and love all the products. ❤️

Helen @wumarksthespots - I absolutely LOVE my Barefaced routine! When I decided to just commit to the routine and stick with the process, I've been seeing tremendous changes in my skin! I feel VERY comfortable not wearing any makeup, and I'm just so happy with the results! The Barefaced team assisted me the whole way with how to implement the products so that my skin was able to adapt to it! Thank you thank you for a much needed simple skincare routine! 😊

Joanna @joanna_b_carroll - Shouting from the rooftops! Nothing but Barefaced Tinted SPF and a spot concealer for a red mark on my cheek! I'm also a toddler mom so don't know if the dark circles will ever go away but omg!!! Thank you!!!!!

Mallory @hairmagicmal - It's the products! And I have sensitive skin, so for all of this to work and not have major side effects (but a little dryness here and there) has been amazing!

Marina @marinaapreston - 2022. The year I turn 30. In pursuit of aging like fine wine, this year's theme will be all things skincare and sleepwear. Prioritizing preventive care for our largest organ (because clear skin makes me happy + feel good) and prioritizing rest over anything (because burnout is real and 2021 taught me I can't pour from an empty cup).

Kate @avrynco - I can’t believe how far my skin has come in the past few months. Used to wear foundation most days and now I feel 💯 with just some Barefaced tinted SPF.

Carson @carsonrburns - Hi! I just wanted to reach out and say THANK YOU to Jordan and the Barefaced team for all of their help, information and products! They truly saved my skin. I've been using the Barefaced products and following the regimen provided in my skincare consult consistently for the last 8 months, and I never felt more comfortable to spend a week on the beach for my wedding without anything but SPF and mascara! I had makeup on for my wedding day, but my skin looked flawless underneath and I was so so so happy to not have to worry about hiding anything with more makeup. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Forever in love with Barefaced!

Trish - Girls look at my face! I'm almost 45...never ever had anything done or injected in my face...just a skincare routine! All I have on is a little mascara and bronzer...I LOVE BAREFACED! NEVER EVER EVER STOP EVER! 💜

Adrienne @adrienneboud - Just have to say how much I love your products!! Discovered y'all in January and have been using Toning Pads, Glow Peel Pads, Brightening Face Wash, etc! Love them all. My face is better than ever!!!

Laura @_laurawyrick - I literally never wear makeup anymore. Only tinted moisturizer, and I haven't felt this comfortable in my skin EVER! So thank YOU so much!!!!!! I'm also a nurse, currently in the FNP program in hopes of getting into dermatology and/or aesthetics in order to help others get in control of their skin/life like you have helped me.

Cassidy @chaostocleanbycass - Wait your Toning Pads are the best!!!!!! My skin is rocking right now if I do say so myself!!!!!! No makeup just sunscreen woohooo. I never take selfies lol but I'm so pumped!

Taylor @taybano – I am sooo thankful for all of your products!! This is completely barefaced!! Thank you so much for simplifying skincare and for everything you do!!

@tpatel86 – Omg omg omg! My skin! I know I've said it before but my skin is amazing thanks to you!! This is no foundation, just your SPF sheer protection and blush! Oh, and no filter!!

Crystal @savoringhealth - Just want to tell you how amazing my skin has looked since starting your regimen. I have NEVER had a time in my life where my chin was clear until now. I never could've imagined this type of skin, not having to constantly be worried people are staring at my blemishes. Thank you so much!

Julia @juliannarysz - I can't believe how much my skin has changed over the last few months! I went from wearing a full face of foundation every time I left the house to just a little concealer and lip gloss! Thank you so much for all the tips, tricks, and awesome Barefaced products. It feels good to finally have a regimen that works!

Shaila @shaliabrivera – I've been using your products my entire pregnancy and now PP and I'm obsessed! No makeup, no filter, and no sleep with my one month old. Never thought I could keep my skin this good. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Jessica @jessimariecarter - My skin is looking great thanks to @jordanharper_np! I left my Toning Pads in NC and bought 2 more at 1:00AM last night because they are essential.

Morgan @morgantroyer - I am mind blown at my progress so far! This is only a week after following your guidance!

Allie @allie_gold - Did someone take a magic eraser to my face?! Seriously waking up each day to beautiful glowing skin has never felt so good. Thank you for your daily post, your amazing products, and your desire to help other's heal their skin!!

Melissa @Missy_h17 - My hormones were so out of whack and my confidence was so low. I had been stashing money aside thinking I'd need a rigorous chemical peel or something help [my pigment and scarring]. Instead... GLOW PEEL PADS!!!

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The kind of pop quiz you’re going to love.
Easy, effective skincare routines are our thing. And once you ace this pop quiz, they’re going to be your thing too. Hello, bare skin.
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